Archive for July, 2014

  • Performance Management Curriculum

    McIntosh’s Performance Management training framework consists of four key modules and is delivered to front-line supervisors and their managers….

  • Survey Parameters

    This varies based on the firm and the purpose of the survey. The survey can target a random sample…

  • Forecasting Workload

    Forecasting workload is a form of predictable analytics, we are using historical data to anticipate the future.

  • Workforce Scheduling

    Workforce Scheduling Agent work schedules or shifts are generally allocated via an automated bid or preference process.

  • Intra Day Management

    The Intra-Day Management organization monitors all contact activity and agent productivity, comparing forecasted workload to actual workload received and…

  • Kano Questioning Approach

    The Kano methodology is a proven technique for determining customer requirements while dispelling popular organizational myths or biases around…

  • Request for Proposal Process

    Procurement solicitations for the acquisition of technology, hosted solutions, or personnel or call center sourcing require a structured process…

  • Call Center Retention Best Practices

    In order to retain employees and achieve attrition of no more than 15% annually (employees leaving the firm either…
